A Holiday With holidayheroes Deutschland

Sponsored Post - an honest review of holidayheroes Deutschland GmbH Werbung/Ad

Slow Travel with the Train from Germany to England

If you had told me to get the train from Germany to England five years ago I would have told you that you're mad, why bother when a flight takes one and a half hours? Well fast forward five years and there were a couple of different reasons why I finally decided to try it [...]

4 Places To Eat In Lisbon

Vegetarian friendly cafes and restaurants in Lisbon, Portugal. Ad/Werbung

My Lookback on 2021

It's crazy how another year has flown by and here we are in 2022. I had a lot of trips planned and cancelled in 2021 (I booked Paris three times before I could actually go!), but I also had a lot of trips that went ahead. I visited new cities and new countries and had [...]